The Science Bar is a poster competition for young scientists that is organized every year as part of the Geothermal Energy Congress by the “Young Geothermal Energy” working group of the German Geothermal Energy Association. The competition is aimed at young scientists who would like to present their bachelor's, master's or doctoral theses on the subject of geothermal energy to a broad specialist audience. The best presentation is awarded the Young Scientist Award of the Bundesverband Geothermie e.V. by a renowned jury.
There was a novelty at DGK2024. For the first time, there were two winners of the Science Bar:
1. Lioba Virchow, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Topic: Geochemical on-site characterization of cores at high temperature ATES drilling site using handheld XRF
2. Michael Tsypin, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Topic: Groundwater flow effects on the thermal field in the North German Basin
Congratulations on these great works!
If you have any questions about submissions, please contact the organization team: dgk(at)
Pictures: Olaf Selchow